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Awakening to Action: 'Dawn of Clarity' in a World at the Crossroads

If only there were a ‘pill for every ill’, life would be simpler, both individually and collectively. From the climate emergency and ‘globesity’ health epidemic, to the growing refugee crisis and rampant disparity between rich and poor, poverty, we are living - as the ancient Chinese proverb says - ‘in interesting times.’ 

Lisa Durante reports.

It’s impossible to ignore. The world is grappling with a myriad of crises: ecological catastrophes, a global public health emergency, the surge in refugees fleeing unrest, and an unsustainable chasm between the affluent and the impoverished.

Astrological Echoes Through Time: Understanding Today's Global Unrest

To compound the complexity even further, an astrological perspective provides a unique lens to understand our current global unrest. The rare conjunction of Pluto in Capricorn, ongoing since 2008 and continuing through 2024, not only echoes major societal transformations of the past but also aligns with our current environmental and societal upheavals.

Astrology, once overshadowed during the Enlightenment and Newtonian eras, is now being reconsidered in today's quantum era. This shift acknowledges that the universe's subtle, intricate patterns have profound implications on both individual and collective levels.

The Global Stage of Conflict and Crisis

The environment, public health, societal unrest, and the ongoing conflicts in Gaza, Ukraine, and other regions are stark reminders of the world's fragility. The conjunction of Pluto in Capricorn signifies deep-rooted changes in power structures, which can be seen in the growing voices against corporate hegemony and economic disparities. Meanwhile, Uranus in Taurus disrupts our conventional approach to health, resources, and values, as evidenced by the 'globesity' crisis and environmental concerns.

The Call for Conscious Community, Justice, and Equality

In these times, Martin Luther King Jr.'s words, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere," resonate deeply. The astrological patterns, such as Saturn in Aquarius square, Uranus in Taurus, urge us to forge communities based on justice, equality, and mutual respect. This aspect encourages us to challenge oppressive structures and to advocate for those affected by the refugee crisis and global inequality.

Urgent Environmental Concerns

Our environmental crisis, symbolized by Neptune in Pisces, calls for a global awakening in consciousness concerning our planet. This transit encourages us to embrace innovative solutions to address the climate emergency, resonating with the urgent warnings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Together We Get Better


As I immerse myself in considering these tumultuous times, Desmond Tutu's words remind me that every small act of goodness contributes to global change. This era, marked by significant astrological transits, is not just a phase of turmoil but a catalyst for profound transformation. Guided by the wisdom of the stars and the collective power of our actions, we stand at a crossroads, ready to shape a just, equitable, and sustainable world. Our journey through these 'interesting times' is a collective call to awaken and act, inspired by both the challenges we face and the astrological insights that guide us.

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